Saturday, August 21, 2010

Happily married men and women please ... How did you know your spouse or significant other was the one?

I have recently started a relationship with someone that I have really strong feelings for. He has told me how much I mean to him also. And its not just that ... He is so sweet, and very supportive. And all the sweet little things, that sometimes he doesn't even know he's doing. He makes me feel like I've never felt before. (And we haven't had sex or done anything sexual either!) He means a lot to me and I wanted to hear how other people knew when they had found ';the one';.Happily married men and women please ... How did you know your spouse or significant other was the one?
I knew when not being with drove me nuts... I had heard the term lovesick and heartache but I had never known it to be real until then. We had an interested courtship in that we lived 50 miles apart... we only saw each other on the weekends... so there were lots of phone calls and emails.... and what a wonderful way to get to know someone before physical attraction overtakes your mind... My wife was my friend first... and then more... and that is the kind of foundation that lasts a lifetime...Happily married men and women please ... How did you know your spouse or significant other was the one?
I think the realization of ';the one'; doesn't happen instantly. If it does, you're essentially hoping for things to work out. Instead, it happens over time as you begin to realize common backgrounds, interests, and experiences. There are two make-or-break things that are especially important: Sex and money. If you two are compatible in these areas (in terms of how you view them, what you do, what your values are, what your longterm outlooks are), you're in good shape. I've yet to see a great relationship or marriage last unless these two things are viewed similarly by both partners. Don't let infatuation convince you of anything... enjoy it for what it is, but use your HEAD to start listing the compatibilities and matches you both share.
Dating was suddenly easy. With all the other relationships I had, it was always a bit stressful. I'm not even sure why they were a bit stressful, but despite the other girls being nice, beautiful, women, it wasn't relaxing.

Then, when I met my wife, I realized after 4 months that it wasn't stressful at all. It was easy to be with her and she matched me morally and emotionally. So that's when I began to think about her with regard to marriage.

But that's not to say that I couldn't have made it work with the other girls. I never dated a woman that I didn't see as marriage potential. They were all great people. But it was just easier with my wife.

I've known a few other couples that have told me their story and it was very similar. Dating shouldn't be difficult.

Think about it... marriage never makes a relationship easier. It always takes more work than the dating did. So if the dating is already a little stressful, imagine what marriage will be like. So if it is easy to be with them, that's a good sign.
If you can tolerate them and they can tolerate you then it is all good and if you can forgive each other
You don't. It just happens that from day to day, it becomes obvious that being together is better than not.

(twenty years)
She was the only one who didn麓t go crazy after 8 weeks. I discovered later that she was already crazy.
When you're in love, you just know.

I wish I could be more specific, but it's not something I could possibly break down into parts - you just know.
After dealing with countless women, I just realized she was different from all of them.
';The One'; will know all of your faults/quirks and still love you.
I dated a lot of girls... she was the only one who would put up with me so I married her
He told me so. Then he proved it.
I was married for 18 years, and we got married because we got along so well and loved each others company. We liked how we made eachother feel and the little things made all the difference. Your situation sounded like mine initially.

After about three years of marriage I realized I made a big mistake. With a baby on the way I decided to try harder and stick it out. Eventually I realized that the only reason we were getting along was because I kept caving in all the time. When I stood up for my rights (my 50% of decision making in the relationship) it turned into a major fight every time. In the end, I realized she was completely controlling and I kept my deep depression hidden from everyone while I stuck it out for the kids sake. Now five years after the divorce I cannot trust anyone enough to date again.

I don't mean to be a downer, but please look as deeply as possible at him before suggesting a long term relationship. Don't trust your instincts, you need to do some research and soul searching. Don't assume his the ';one'; just because he makes you feel good.
We went through the ';in love'; stage where all we could think about was each other, then we went through the realizing that we wanted to be together more then apart. We didn't feel empty and like something was missing. We both talked about what we wanted in life.. and how we wanted it together. You realize in your heart that your search for that empty feeling has been found. You realize in your heart that you are not just ';in love'; with this person... but you want to love this person.. make them happy share your life with them.. get to know them and grow as one. It is when you have an idea and want to share it to see if you can build on it together. It is feeling the pain of your spouse when they are sadden. You both vision a picture together and desire to put it together as one.. It is not trying to be like other couples..but to be who you are together.. just loving each other for who you both are. Treating each other with respect and love.. knowing in your life you picture each others dreams. It was a feeling that we made reality by working on the feeling.. the feeling is a start.. but it is only a start you have to build on it. Then you realize what you are capable of being together..
My husband understands me like nobody else. After being together for 3 years and facing a number of challenges, he proposed and I accepted because I felt like we could be partners through anything. Since we've been married, we have faced issues that would have broken most couples and almost got the best of us. But we're working very hard through it. When I married him, I considered how he has dealt with problems in the past. I am more impulsive in decision making and reacting; he is more restrained and thoughtful. I think I chose to marry him because he gave me that balance and teaches me a different way to approach life.

You only really know with time. This sounds like you are new and falling in love. I think it's wonderful. Take your time and enjoy each other. Don't run into marriage or having children until you've been together for a while. It's always the best behavior at the beginning. Things will get dicey. When that happens, and you see how you interact with each other and solve problems, then you'll know if he's the one.

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